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Thirteen five Chinese medicine science and technology innovation planning: technology and standard parallel

Shanghai Tendrew/2017-06-14/Views: 1,109 Views

     Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine officially released the "thirteen five" Chinese medicine science and technology innovation special plan, clearly pointed out that by 2020, to establish a more collaborative, efficient and open Chinese medicine science and technology innovation system to solve a number of Chinese medicine Development of key scientific issues, break through a number of key technologies restricting the development of Chinese medicine to accelerate the modernization of Chinese medicine and international development, to build more consistent with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and innovation research model and technical system, significantly enhance the scientific and technological innovation of Chinese medicine ability.

      Planning stressed the need to improve the level of protection of traditional Chinese medicine resources and new drug research and development capabilities. To overcome a number of traditional Chinese herbal medicine cultivation (breeding), processing, quality control of technical problems, cultivate a number of large varieties of Chinese herbal medicines to create a large industrial chain of Chinese herbal medicine; break the new drug discovery, preparation, safety evaluation bottlenecks, Research and development of a number of innovative Chinese medicine; research and development of digital, intelligent modern pharmaceutical equipment, promote industrial green intelligent upgrade.
       In the standard system, the planning specifically pointed out that we should establish and improve the standard system of Chinese medicine to promote the international development of Chinese medicine, improve the international standards of Chinese medicine, the formation of not less than 50 pharmacopoeia standards and 100 industry standards, Drug varieties in Europe and the United States and other developed countries as a drug registration; the establishment of a number of Chinese medicine research center and joint laboratories, and strengthen the "area along the way" along the country's cooperation.